Latest News:
my news, views and interesting (to me, anyway) stuff..
and now for the recent news...
the Ender 5 (my first Creality) is now equipped with a newer 32bit board (V4.2.7) which is supposed to be quieter, not that I can tell in the Shed!
So both the Enders have Marlin bug-fix 2.1.x firmware and will be updated when I get the BL Touch levelling gadgets working..
still trying the fix the electronic "scarecrow" owl; needs a lot of TLC..
Gerbolyze is the easy way to get SVG to Gerber! (hattip to DM..)
Happy New Year! (for tomorrow) let us hope that peace in various parts of the world gets a guernsey..
I have found a neat OpenSCAD way to do slotted disks..[I am trying out a better way of counting lathe rpm..]
Daily CO2 (from www.co2.earth)...28 November 2023 420.59 ppm
up 1 ppm in abt 3 weeks, and the weather is becoming more extreme..
cleaned some of the crud from the E61 group assembly from the Rocket Appartamento coffee machine; I suspect the "demo-ing" it had before we bought it, was not using filtered water.
Daily CO2 (from www.co2.earth)...6 November 2023 419.28 ppm
fixed the gerbilator.com problem, it is now aliased here to gerbilator.org, working on a better header and link
My new bigger PCB mill arrived a while back, but apart from assembly, nothing has happened to it yet..
the new italian Rocket "Appartamento" coffee machine is finally installed and running, takes a bit of extra "tuning" to get the coffees right, but we are getting there.. Gave the old Sunbeam machine away to Deb's brother, Jason.
Trying to clean up in here and out in the shed, but everything seems to take longer these days...
the gerbilator.org hosting was a bit slow to load this morning; lots of local traffic, I suspect..
rabbit was repaired and is working, again. I am working on a replacement controller board for my CNC pcb mill..
two major power outages in the last 24 hours..rabbit died and will not startup..
419.1 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 20 June 2023 Source: NOAA
network renumbering was completed over the weekend, Bungalow (new) died, replaced by piglet. Just doing DNS with dnsmasq, killed off the old BIND processes
The Voice referendum will happen later in the year; Yes seems reasonable to me; we all belong to the land, the First Nations folk longer than the rest of us!
it would be good if the browser refreshed properly...
I have moved the Gerb to Newsprout hosting, it seems to be almost working OK..
419.0 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 6 June 2023 Source: NOAA
we are no longer on the internet from here; the netblock has been returned to APNIC (too expensive to pay for all their "services"). I may host it elsewhere, but it all looks so troublesome..
After a massive attack of shit to the brain, I
applied 24Vdc to the power input of an Arduino MEGA2560 R3; it lit up
up rather spectacularly, briefly, releasing the evil-smelling magic
smoke... As can be seen in the picture below... the LDO regulator (LD1117-5) took a big hit, even after careful replacement, the board is not responding...
We had an earthquake nearby last night; I was about to brush my teeth when everything vibrated, including the toothbrush and its not even electric! Apparently, Geosciences Australia reported it as:
Sunbury, VIC Summary
Origin (UTC): 28/05/2023 13:41:51 Epicentral Time: 28/05/2023 23:41:51 Longitude: 144.84 Latitude: -37.54 Magnitude: 3.8 (ML) Depth: 2 km
at last the kitchen is done! (almost)..the red glass splashbacks are in, the range hood has been ducted completely, the leak under the new sink has been fixed, the quad powerpoint has been swapped over for the neighbouring double unit, just waiting on the stainless steel shroud for the rangehood, and that's it!!
My VEVOR CNC mill has arrived as a kit, now assembled and working. It will do PCBs..
The most important number of the climate crisis: 418.8 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 2 May 2023 Source: NOAA
the sink is in, with tap, just waiting on sealant to cure (24hours);range hood installed but not ducted yet..progress is being made!
Brenda speaks! Global warming is still going on...
We now have stone benchtops, a working induction stove top, wall mounted oven and power points! Waiting on yet another sink to be delivered; the first two were dented on corners..The rangehood installers have measured up and are doing their quotation, the splashback glass people have check measured everywhere, the red glass splashbacks will be here in three weeks time..
The most important number of the climate crisis: 418.7 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 11 April 2023 Source: NOAA
are we seeing a pattern here???
The most important number of the climate crisis: 418.6 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 4 April 2023 Source: NOAA
the kitchen renovation is coming along, we have cabinets and benches(but no benchtops yet..); no power, no water yet..
from the Grauniad: 418.5 (it's not going down...) Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 21 March 2023 Source: NOAA
surrounded by boxes, part cabinets, I am refurbing a shelf with a distinct lean forward...will rearrange while I am at it.
from the Grauniad: 418.5 (it's creeping up) Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 7 March 2023 Source: NOAA
At last, the end of the radiation sessions was yesterday! now 4-8 weeks till all the swelling and pain vanishes; still another dose of the hormone injections to go..
from the Grauniad: 418.3 Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million, 4 January 2023 Source: NOAA
after today's session, halfway through the radiation therapy...
why we don't allow gerbils into the wide brown land!
from the Grauniad: The most important number of the climate crisis: 418.2 ppm Atmospheric CO2 at 12 December 2022 Source: NOAA
a blast from the past!! some pix of my workbench from many years back with a eurorack mounted original Acorn computers setup!
tomorrow, pre-radiation CT and MRI scans...
had the gold markers and the spacer blanket installed; all go now for the radiation therapy: 5 days a week for 5-6 weeks in Moreland...
and from the Grauniad...Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million is 418ppm (safe level is 350ppm), 6 November 2022 Source: NOAA
1st sunny day for weeks! large parts of rural NSW and Vic are under water still and more rain is forecast..
and from the Grauniad...Atmospheric CO2 in parts per million is 417.9ppm (safe level is 350ppm), 15 November 2022 Source: NOAA
Today is bookshop day!!
The Thonny devs are supporting Ukraine!
The Queen is dead, long live the King!
I can barely remember the previous king, the queen was on the UK throne for so long...and now a king will ascend, brought up on the Goon Show (all of whom are long dead..)
Crikey are up against the evil Murdoch empire; they need help now!!!
everything is covered in a tenacious layer of dirt/clay/cement dust; will be hard to get rid of until the restumping/underpinning is all finished!
Nature Physics journal; an editorial directed at researchers to appreciate the amazing scientific instruments available to them _and_ the people who make the kit...
started on a bench cleanup several hours ago, barely made a dent in the mess!
Hooray! am out of the RMH Wound clinic from today; they are happy about the healed up leg issues.
While this is all going on, Spare a thought for all those every day Ukrainians, including very small children, babies, and the elderly that are being bombed, rocketted and shot at by Russian troops at the behest of a former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin...and the doctors and health workers trying to keep them alive.
I have a new site, gerbilator.com, it will be for some more commercial activities; stay tuned.
Here is a picture of my ArduPSU board powered RPM counter for the mini lathe..
the only issue is the counter doesn't detect zero revolutions..
Australia Day or if you are a First Nations person, Invasion Day...
The adaptor plate arrived from LittleMachineShop in the US; fast delivery (at a cost!) It is now fitted to the MiniLathe (see pic..) will need to check for runout, but looks OK.
now I can machine odd shaped stuff!
The right arm pain turned into painful blotches; trip to doctor, who suggested shingles [which may have erupted as a result of the immune system dealing with the Pfizer jab], and a path sample which came back positive for shingles (herpes zoster). Had a course of antivirals(valacyclovir) and pregabalin for the nerve pain.. will get the vaccination at the end of February..
Waiting on a adaptor plate to fit a 4 jaw 100mm chuck to my mini-lathe. It's heavy; the shipping cost is twice the item cost!
I am really over the Covid thing...had a booster (Pfizer) and now my right arm is very painful..
The James Webb Space Telescope is making its way to an L2 orbit, while arranging its mirrors - here is where it is at the moment; It is a testament to science and engineering on a grand scale.